Global Asbestos Awareness Week, 1-7 April 2018
Enquin Environmental is proud to support Global Asbestos Awareness Week, 1-7 April 2018, an initiative aimed at raising awareness throughout the world of the dangers and effects of asbestos.
“One Word, One Week, One World” is the focus of the week, organised by the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organisation (ADAO), encouraging countries still using it to stop and helping workers who could be exposed to it, receive the correct protection.
Commenting on this, Sally Cuff, Service Delivery Manager of Enquin Environmental said
“An estimated 107,000 people worldwide die every year from asbestos related diseases and it is vital that this campaign has UK support. The fact that 86% of schools in the UK alone still contain asbestos highlights that asbestos is still a real issue in the UK and needs to be managed properly.”
Support for this campaign has come from UK organisations such as the British Lung Foundation (BLF) with their ‘Take Five and Stay Alive’ Campaign and The British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS).
Did you know?
Every week, an average of 20 workers in the UK die from exposure to asbestos
(Source: HSE), making it the single biggest cause of work-related deaths in the UK.
Check out our Asbestos Myth Buster here.
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